Condos / Villas for Sale or Rent in Pattaya
Whether you seek a private pool villa with a beach front setting, a luxury condo with sea views and city convenience, land or business we have a wide range of properties to explore. We offer expert consultation, providing insights into market trends and high-potential areas, along with strategies to maximize returns on your real estate investments. We offer staging services and interior design consultations to elevate your property’s appeal to potential buyers or renters. Let us assist you. From off-plan projects with modern architectural designs, ready to move in property, to turnkey businesses, our selection ensures that you have access to the very best this vibrant city has to offer. We provide relocation services, offering insights into neighborhoods, schools, and amenities, ensuring a smooth transition to your new home. We keep you informed about market conditions, trends, and property values, empowering you to make informed decisions. We aim to provide comprehensive support, expertise, and convenience throughout your real estate journey and beyond. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving your property goals.
The guests can check in from 15:00. Check-out time is 12:00.) is located 19.05mi from the property. Do the hotel rooms have hairdryers? Does this property have a pool? A hairdryer is available in each guestroom. Are mini bars provided in hotel rooms? The in-room mini bar offers a large selection of items for sale. Weather permitting, the outdoor pool is perfect to enjoy a moment of relaxation. Is smoking allowed on the premises? The hotel has wheelchair accessibility throughout its grounds. The establishment is entirely non-smoking. Is there a fitness center? Guests may find a large selection of both alcoholic. A state-of-the-art fitness center, equipped with weight-training machines, can be accessed by all guests. Non-alcoholic beverages at the in-house bar/lounge. Enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee made with your room coffee maker. Are coffee maker provided in guestbedrooms? Guests can take advantage of the hotel’s direct access to a beach.
Will room service be provided? Room service can be arranged for guests staying at the hotel. Looking for a place to eat? Are there restaurants nearby or on-site? The property offers at least one full-service restaurant. Most rooms come with a refrigerator. Are the guestrooms equipped with refrigerators? We can arrange qualified babysitting services (fee may apply). Some rooms feature a balcony. Are there barbeque grills on the premises? Enjoy barbecuing with family. Is there entertainment for children? Children will be kept entertained at the designated on-site play area. Are there gift shops on the premises? The on-site gift shop is the best place to find souvenirs to bring back home to loved ones. Friends by using the on-property grills. Guests looking for additional amusement will enjoy the onsite game room. Alarm clocks are available in each room. Is a currency exchange available to guests? Are alarm clocks provided? Travelers visiting from all parts of the globe can use the hotel’s currency exchange services. A friendly and helpful concierge is always ready to assist with any inquiries. Is the front desk open 24 hours? Our helpful 24-hour front desk is ready to assist you with any inquiry.
For those looking for long-term rentals, there are a few options available that offer great value for your rent. This means that if you are looking for a short-term rental, you may have to pay a premium. Second, many landlords require that tenants maintain the property in good condition. This means that you will need to provide your own furniture and appliances. This includes regular cleaning and minor repairs. The first step is to decide on your budget. However, some landlords do offer furnished units for an additional fee. Another important consideration is the length of your stay. Once you have a price range in mind, you can start looking for properties that fit your budget. Are you looking for a short-term rental or a long-term lease? Short-term rentals are typically available for a minimum of one month, while long-term leases can be for six months or more. If you are unsure about how long you will need to rent, it is always best to err on the side of caution and choose a longer lease agreement.
This will give you flexibility if your plans change down the line. This is where having a clear idea of what you want will come in handy. When you have found a few properties that meet your requirements, it is time to start negotiating with the landlord. Be prepared to haggle over price, as many landlords are open to negotiation. Once you have agreed on a price, be sure to get everything in writing so that there are no misunderstandings later on. By taking the time to research your options and negotiate with landlords, you can find the perfect place to call home during your stay in this beautiful city. The six-month rental period ensures that property owners can maximise their profits, while also providing tenants with a longer period of time to enjoy their rental property. It is also important to ask about any additional fees, such as utilities or maintenance charges. However, it is important to note that the six-month rental period is not set in stone, and some landlords may be willing to negotiate a shorter rental period. However, it is important to understand who is responsible for the cost of repairs before signing a lease. In most cases, the landlord is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition. This includes ensuring that the plumbing and electrical systems are up to code, and that the property is free of pests. If the property needs repairs due to normal wear and tear, the landlord is typically responsible for the cost. However, if the damage is caused by the tenant’s negligence, the tenant may be required to pay for repairs.
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